Tri-County Traffic Training Net Preamble

Good evening and welcome to the: Tri-County Traffic Training Net, a part of the Ohio section of the National Traffic System. We meet on this frequency at 9pm on Sunday, Tuesday, and Friday evenings to train traffic handlers, and to pass amateur radio message traffic.

This is a directed net, and all transmissions must have permission from the net control station. Your net control for this evening is: ______________, my name is: _____________ and I am located in: ___________.

Stations wishing to join the net may do so by giving their: callsign(First), name, location, and indicating if they are with, or without traffic for the net. If a station needs to leave the net before its conclusion, please notify net control that you will be securing your station or that you will be short time.

If this repeater becomes UNAVAILABLE, please switch to the alternate frequency of: 146.850 MHz, which has a negative offset, and a PL tone of 110.9.

Before we begin, are there any stations with emergency or priority traffic?

Are there any mobile or low-power stations?


Do I have a HF sideband liaison?


Now taking check-in’s from stations with traffic, and with traffic only!!

Now taking check-in’s from stations with or without traffic



Pass traffic


If WB8YYS is on freq, ask the Net Manager if he has any training or comments for the net, if Gregg is not on freq, ask if anyone else has any training or comments. 


With no further traffic tonight, we’ll close the formal portion of the net at________. 

We will now start our informal “comment round”


------------------------------C O M M E N T   R O U N D-------------------------------------

(Periodically still ask if there are any stations that would like to check-in)


(Ending Message)


Are there any I-F’s, questions, or comments for the good of the net?


I would like to thank the NORMA Group for the use of this repeater during the net. I would also like to thank: ________for being HF sideband liaison.  I would also like to thank all those that brought traffic, took traffic, and everyone that checked in and stood by in case they were needed. Your time this evening is greatly appreciated.  For more information about the Tri-County Traffic Training Net and the National Traffic System, please visit our website at: (all one word). Brian AC8RV, is our webmaster, does an excellent job of keeping the website current and as informative as possible. If you would like to know more about the 147.015 repeater check out the website at


Again, I would like to remind everyone on frequency that we meet here on Sunday, Tuesday, and Friday evenings at 9pm.

Thanks again to all stations for taking time this evening and being with me here on the radio.


This is: ___________ closing this evening’s edition of the net clear, 73 to all!!